Satiable Saturday
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What three things can I do today that will give me the feeling of utter satisfaction tonight?
For me , I answered with
1) low impact workout at home
2 ) webinar training session
3 ) soak in a hot bubble bath in the middle of the afternoon
#1 & #2 have been completed and I added a #4
4 ) write about having a Satiable Saturday
(which is almost complete)
Beyond that I will continue my day doing what makes me content & satified . Yes, it can be work related provided it is calming . And yes, I believe some work related tasks are relaxingly calming.
That is another concept that I had a very hard time grasping. Working for myself has really changed my way of thinking. I really enjoy paving my own way. Something I never thought I could do. Who'd a thunk? Me, working for none other than me. I love it!
Maybe Saturday can't be your satiable day. That's okay. All we need is one day a week to ask ourselves this question.
What three things can I do today that will give me the feeling of utter satisfaction tonight?
Your answer may surprise you. It's not a question that needs to be pondered & planned. Your answer will be the first thoughts to pop into your head once you've asked yourself the question.
The rest of the day will go with your own flow. After all it is a well deserved day for you to recharge & rejuvenate your inner peace. It is not a selfish act to give back to you. I use to think it was. I have now realized that I can do it all and take time for me. In fact, I have been able to feel more accomplished in every aspect of my being. Satisfaction within our own selves is such an amazing, supportive & empowering tool that we should all be so lucky to find.
Not that luck has anything to do with it. Luck is what I call something that I have dreamed of but never set my sights on. Then one day it just happens . I don't seem to have much luck. If it's happened in my life , then I took planned steps to make it happen. Some good, some not so good. Some worked perfectly, some not so much. But we can't feel success without feeling failure. It's all a part of growing as a person and as a business.
I would love for you to check out my link to join our team #TheSparklingGemsTeam!
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And with this #4 of my answer is complete ! Now to go enjoy the rest of my Satiable Saturday :}