Be A Sparkling Gem Amongst The Shining Stars


    WOW,  Can you believe there are only 19 more Fridays until Christmas ?  Have you even thought about that yet?  I know I hadn't, at least not until a friend posted about it today.

 I'm one of those shoppers that gets really annoyed when Christmas makes it into the stores before Halloween. Maybe because it gets me thinking. How or where will I find the extra cash needed to  see those smiling faces on Christmas morning. 

Well, I found the solution to my question. I joined Avon as an Independent Sales Representative.

 Did you know that we are paid our commision immediately?  How it works is when we are given a customer order ( payment is given at time of order) and when we place our orders to Avon we pay the wholesale cost, the difference is our commission and we already have it in our pocket.  Earning up to 50% commission is very doable, basically the more you put into your business the more you will get out of it. I have found that I can make 35% commision easily in my business without taking time away from my busy family life. I go where I normally would go , give out my brochures and not only do I receive orders and earn returning customers.

 Avon has been a trusted name brand of high quality products for 130 years strong. 

Now, for the second way to earn with Avon. Build a National Sales Team. No, you are not required to have a team. However, it is a great way to both earn money AND work with a team advantage. With Avon we are in business for ourselves but  we are not by ourselves. It's really a great concept, especially knowing we are amongst a vast many seasoned Avon Representatives and we all help to support, guide and learn from one another. With so many unique and different personalities in this world how can we not? We all have something that we can bring to the team. 
Whatever your reasons are Avon can be the solution that you are seeking.  Benefits include Health,  Savings, Scholarship Opportunities, Free Training, Free Website, Work your own schedule, Free Web Office, Unlimited Income and the list goes on.

Join my team #TheSparklingGemsTeam and Be A Sparkling Gem Amongst The Shining Stars! 

Go to :  and use reference code: marybeth

Contact Me:
 Mary Beth Koch,AISR


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